Since its establishment over 40 years ago, Okomu has always committed to produce palm oil and rubber in a way that benefits all concerned, including, but not limited to its employees, smallholders and communities helping them build a better life for future generations. We strive for high performance agricultural, industrial, environmental, social and ethical management of our resources to ensure the Company’s long-term success, while enhancing rural livelihoods and natural resource management.
Together with our management agent, the Socfin Group, our commitments to sustainable, responsible agriculture have been outlined in a responsible management policy. This responsible management policy was developed with input from various internal and external stakeholders and aims to define a line of conduct and specific actions to ensure the implementation of our strategy and sustainability commitments.
These commitments are not only applicable to everyone who resides or traverses our plantations, but also to our subcontractors and suppliers as part of our integrated management system, which is highly rated by our customers and stakeholders, alike.
Our commitment to the development of our employees and communities, to the sustainability and conservation of our planet and transparency with all our actions ensures that our activities create value for all whilst ensuring the economic viability of the Company, its operations and stakeholders in the long term, and Nigeria at large.
To ensure the implementation of our commitments, we have certified our activities and developed the necessary policies and standard operating procedures (SOP’s), which all stakeholders must comply with.
Publicly available documents
In line with RSPO P&C 2018 requirements (especially Indicator 1.1.1), the following list of documents are available upon request to the following contact address:
okomuinfo@okomunigeria.com or hsesec@okomunigeria.com
- Land titles/user rights
- Occupational health and safety plans
- Plans and impact assessments relating to environmental and social impacts
- HCV & HCS documentation
- Pollution prevention and reduction plans
- Details of complaints and grievances
- Negotiation procedures
- Continuous improvement plans
- Public summary of certification assessment report
- Human Rights Policy
- Child labour policy (20/05/2024)
- Code of ethics policy (12/06/2024)
- Data protection policy (21/01/2021)
- Drug and alcohol policy (20/05/2024)
- Environmental policy (06/04/2021)
- Equal opportunity no discrimination policy (09/04/2021)
- Freedom of association policy (24/03/2021)
- Gender distribution (31/12/2023)
- Gender policy (09/04/2021)
- GHG emission reduction policy (31/05/2024)
- Grievance management policy (01/10/2020)
- HIV/AIDS policy (24/03/2021)
- Human rights policy (27/05/2024)
- Integrated management system policy (05/05/2024)
- Protection of reproductive rights (28/05/2024)
- Responsible Management Policy (02/09/24)
- Sexual harassment and violence in work place policy (22/03/2021)
- Special labour policy for migrants (25/03/2021)
- Whistle blowing policy (21/02/2024)
- Workers compensation policy (07/04/2021)
- Workplace health and safety policy (08/07/2022)
- Zero burning policy (19/10/2021)
- 2022 Okomu Sustainability report (31/12/2022)
- Smallholder training programme (04/2024)