Positives impacts
The essence of Okomu’s relations with its neighboring communities is to have a positive impact and enhance their rural livelihoods by driving responsible tropical agriculture.
Thanks to our strong Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, annual projects are set up at the request of the various community working committee executives.
The initiatives launched include:
- Construction of blocks of classrooms and community town halls,
- Building of staff quarters for teachers,
- Drilling of boreholes,
- Donation of agricultural equipment,
- Provision of canopies and plastic chairs for community town halls,
- Construction of sanitary pavilions, guesthouses, corper lodges, renovation of Enogie’s palace,
- Installation of electricity transformer,
- Construction/renovation of healthcare centers,
- Award of bursaries,
- Construction of market stalls, replacement of streetlights, boreholes, generating sets in some communities, to mention a few.
Okomu knows the best way to support the children is to improve the quality of education in the neighboring communities’ schools. So, in addition to the annual bursary awards giving to students of tertiary institutions to assist them with their education, Okomu regularly provides learning materials to government schools.
In addition, to improving the well-being of the communities and due to the unavailability of a good health care system in the vicinity, Okomu opens its clinic facilities to members of neighboring communities at its own cost, except for drugs.
All these initiatives are consolidated through regular and transparent communication and dialogue platforms, fostering good neighborly relations with the surrounding communities.